She can almost completely immobilize single troops, such as a Golem or Mini P.E.K.K.A.
The Ram Rider is very viable on defense, given the situation. Place them near the Ram Rider, or she'll snare them, immobilizing them and dealing massive damage to the tower. and Mega Knight are also great counters because of their high health and high damage (Mega Knight knocks the Ram Rider back when he spawns, giving more time to destroy them). The Skeleton Army and Minion Horde can completely stop a Ram Rider with quick reaction time. Always be sure to stop its charge with a building or Zap so that it lands minimal damage on any Tower. Keep in mind that the Ram's charging hit deals incredible damage. The rider snares them, rendering them almost completely immobile. Ram Rider can easily shut down slow, tanky troops such as P.E.K.K.A. The Ram Rider's snare does not completely stop units from moving, so melee units with a high movement speed like the Lumberjack or the Fire Spirit can still inch closer to her as she attacks. This can be prevented by placing the troop near the Ram Rider's destination. Snared melee troops can still attack her, although she can easily run past them after charging. However, short-range troops like Minions will not attack Ram Rider until she runs into range, or until they slowly reach her. This makes ranged troops that have slowing, stun, or knockback effects like the Electro Wizard strong counters to Ram Rider. Ram Rider's snare does not prevent troops from attacking. However, she is unique in that she will prioritize non-snared troops over snared ones – even if they are on low health. Just like any other ranged unit, the Ram Rider will target the nearest valid target. RAM RIDER MK DECK FULL
The snare does not reduce attack speed like the Ice Wizard's attack, so if she is in the range of an enemy unit, they will attack at full speed.The Princess Tower will also chip away at the enemy while it is snared. The Ram Rider will jump across the river, pulling the enemy while snaring them. Wait for the enemy to cross the bridge and place the Ram Rider near the river.
A Ram Rider is extremely good at kiting troops.However, the snare does not stun, so the Sparky and Inferno Dragon will still harm her. It will slow wind-ups and charges such as Bandit and Prince. The Ram Rider herself has a snare which reduces movement speed by 70%.The Ram Rider also has a snare ability, which slows down the movement and attack speed of its targets. It has the ability to charge towards enemies, dealing damage and briefly stunning them upon impact. The Ram Rider is a unique troop card in Clash Royale that rides a charging ram. Clash Royale is a separate game developed by Supercell, the same company that developed Clash of Clans. Ram Rider is a troop in Clash Royale, not Clash of Clans. “Together they charge through the Arena snaring enemies, knocking down towers.